Thursday, January 9, 2020

FREE the Peeper #41 HORROR VARIANT COVER with subscription!

Subscribe to the Peeper comedy newsletter now and get the Peeper # 41 HORROR CON VARIANT cover issue for free with your subscription!  the Peeper #41 features the 2019 Comic Con Special  and comes in 3 different covers!  12 pages in black and white!
Subscriptions to the Peeper comedy newsletter are available for 4, 8, or 12 issue lengths and cost less than $2.00 per issue with this subscription!  Regular issues are 8 pages in length, and feature comedy characters like Mr. Peepers the peeping tom (editor of the series), Billy G the redneck, Josh the fanboy, and fabulous workout enthusiast, Manlee P. Mann!  

If you subscribe before February 1st, 2020, the first issue you will receive is the Peeper #42--
The X-Knights 30th Anniversary Issue!  Featuring a look at Josh the fanboy's first-ever superhero comic book creation from 1989! know there has to be a plus--if you subscribe before the aforementioned February 1st, 2002, you will ALSO get the Peeper Shortsheet #30 and #31, featuring Billy G's protest of potholes and the removal of plastic bags from his local grocery stores!  These two issues are single pages, front and back, and printed on cardstock !

Billy G says, "Ya'll buy ya some of the Peeper!  It'll make ya laugh..HAW!

Number of Issues